Friday, April 27, 2012

just a little brandin' and rain

a couple days ago the ranch branded a few of the calves...there was about 50 of them this time.

I've been to many brandings throughout my lifetime, none in Montana, but I've never been to one quite like this.

Instead of roping the calves and dragging them over to the "fire" to get vaccinated and branded the boys (Chaney and Kelly -- ranch hired hands, and two teens from Ekalaka) worked in pairs to grab them with their hands and drag them out of the pen. Also known as "wrestling". And wrestling it was!

Some of these calves were about the size of some the men. But they got them all done and there were no big wrecks or anything. Just a few bumps and bruises and some very hungry tired men!!

In other news, yesterday was SUPER windy and everyone south of Baker lost power for the day. So I spent the day at the ranch with Torey since she had some power thanks to the generator.

Today finally rained, so far ALL day!!! What a blessing. We needed it pretty bad and I love the rain! Our little cow dog also loves the rain and her fluffy hair looks pretty funny! The bird dog however, hates the rain or any weather that isn't sunshine...


  1. I LOVE OAKLEY!!!! :) (this is chars by the way)she is so cute!!! Even though the branding was different I am glad you had one! and lastly I love mable and BB and you... and chaney! :)

  2. Your like is anything but boring sweetie!!! Love it. You are making the best of all of it and I love that about you.

  3. ok missy, two things....first, next time hopefully you'll be close enough to hire my wrestlers they would have loved to practice on a calf....second, you love rain? Must you have said that statement?

    It sounds like a very BIG day!

  4. Wow! I have never seen anyone brand like that either! Crazy!

  5. Wow, that looks like ALOT of work doing it that way, gee.

    Yay for rain, that's great!!!
