Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Welcome to Lincoln

Today is my "second" day as an official wife. I say it is only the second day because we are actually in Lincoln, MT where my husband and I currently live and work. So today is the second day that I have been able to live as a wife does...

So far I have cleaned MANY MANY dishes, not just ones I've cooked with but all the new ones we got for wedding gifts. 

I have unpacked A LOT! And still have much to go through and even more to organize.

Yesterday I cooked all three meals and cleaned it all up...it's fun using all my new kitchen appliances. 

We also went grocery shopping in Lincoln yesterday. Grocery shopping here means you hop in the John Deere Gator and drive to town. It's really pretty funny to me but I love it.

In the past 24 hours I have also done a bunch of laundry. Got to wash all those new towels....don't want any fuzzies.

And, just to make my dad and brother proud I will say, I have already made several sandwiches and a few hamburgers. 

I am finally starting to understand all that goes on in many mothers daily lives...for those moms that work full time, I DON"T KNOW HOW YOU DO IT!!!! I love it all so far, but I am only having to take care of my husband, myself, our dogs and a few horses and it feels like a full-time job.

Being a wife isn't always easy, leaving my family was definitely not easy. But I know this is where God has called me and I am loving it. I am learning a lot of new things and the adjustment will take time but I trust the Lord and I am full of his JOY and Peace.

Lincoln, MT is my really stinkin redneck new home and even though it's a little "out there" I sure get a kick out of it. The people are nice. It's peaceful on the ranch and it sure is pretty out in the meadows.

Well this post is scattered and goofy but so is my dining room!!!


  1. OH my goodness I am so thrilled you are blogging and sharing your new life!!! I love it!

  2. Oh sweetie....you are the best wife on this planet already, I just know it. I'm so proud of you and I'm so thrilled with your new life...You are handling it sooo good and I love that you grocery shop in a Gator...that is perfect!!! Keep posting it was darling and made me feel like I'm right there.

  3. I can so see you driving that Gator to get groceries! We love you very much and are so happy for you and Chaney. We will be following your blog to get all the updates on your new adventures. Love you, Flash

  4. I wanna grocery shop in a gator!!!!! So excited for you my dear. Keep writing!

  5. HEY!!!!! Why does it say you said "I love this post"?

  6. I see you barely mentioned the fact you have probably the greatest paint horses on the plant there with you plus a damn good ranch horse, but hey at least you are getting familiar with all the kitchen stuff. Be good and take care of my son-in-law and those horses. Remember Dillon is for chasin buffalo not bear!!!! Love Dad...aka...Chuck

  7. Darling sweet La....love that you are blogging... and look, I comment! Can't wait to read more about your life as a pioneer wife!
