So it has been brought to my attention that I haven't been doing a very good job of keeping this thing I guess I will try to fill in some of the blanks...
Or maybe just start fresh...
Maubry is now 7 1/2 months old. She is growing up so fast...sigh...but at the same time I love to watch her learn and grow and discover new things everyday.
For example just this week she has basically gone from my little baby to a big girl...she is now crawling (not perfectly but she definitely has it figured out, by next week she will be unstoppable).
She also loves to feed herself...if I cut up pieces of sweet potatoes she loves to pick them up and eat them and say "nom nom nom" (I am not kidding...she does it all the time) She can also drink out of a sippy cup or a straw. And they way she drinks out of a sippy is hilarious! As one man described it perfectly, "bottoms up". She throws her whole body over backwards and drinks all dramatically and then slams the cup on her tray. I am telling you... this girl is a crack up. Maubry loves to be outside.
She also likes to look out the window...we have low windows so I can set her up in front of the window and she will lean against it with her chest and just talk and wiggle and giggle.
Our little girl is a pretty happy one. With the exception of, her recent fear of men....if they try to hold her or play peek-a-boo or stare at her she will start to cry the SADDEST cry you've ever seen. I am talking bottom lip out, big frown, SAD eyes and ALLIGATOR tears. It's heart-breaking and funny all at the same time, I know that sounds bad but it's true.
Maubry is a very INTENSE baby, she focuses in on something and you can't distract her. I think she will be and olympian or a millionaire or something. She has the focus and intensity already.
We are LOVING watching her change and grow all the time, it just happens a little too fast. But every moment with our girl is sheer delight (even her fits make me laugh).
As for Chaney, he is loving his new job and is very happy to be in his "home-state" of Montana.
*But for the record his license still says he is from Oregon and mine is in Montana, so really, I am the local hehe.
Chaney has just started going to open gym basketball this week and is enjoying getting to know some of the true locals. We are starting to get involved in the community and open gym has been a fun way for Chaney to do that.
And I am just continuing to love being a wife and mommy and learning everyday. It is not always easy but I do LOVE my life. God is challenging me and growing me in ways I NEVER expected, which is hard but so good.
I spend a lot of time with Maddie (the bosses 15 yr old daughter) she is my "adopted" sister. We bake A LOT and are starting a garden.
Also, Chaney and I are working on a "yard" for this summer. I grew up with a big beautiful yard and have LOTS of memories playing in it and want Maubry to have somewhere to run and play.
Chaney and I have found a church we like...and our bosses have been going there for years so that is awesome. Maubry has been going to physical therapy twice a week, she has torticollis (aka crooked neck) and so we are blessed to have good insurance right now for her so we can get it corrected. Praying God does a miracle in it all...and other than that we are just loving life. Thankful for the MANY blessings God has bestowed upon us and praying about how we can be a light in the world, this community and just throughout everyday.
Hope this helps catch y'all up a bit and isn't too scattered or random ;)